CLI commandline-interface / websocket interface etc / Node.JS client


  • Run Jami on Debian (desktop or terminal (without X session)) then connect to it via websocket or UNIX socket / whatever, then have the ability to list messages, receive a constant stream of new messages, and send messages.

  • Node.JS NPM module so I can create a standalone Node.JS Jami bot that can send/receive messages.

  • Ability to run Jami from a bash script, and simply send a message: jami-send abc123 'Install complete!'

  • Group chat

  • Create a group with self only (so bots can send me messages)

node.js already exists and you can also use it in a bash script. there is some different APIs like REST, dbus (where bash, python, etc can be used), JNI.

For node,

Python example: tools/jamictrl · master · savoirfairelinux / jami-daemon · GitLab

GitHub - AmarOk1412/jami-cli: Jami client for terminal another example

The two latest will be available with swarm.

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