Jami for Arch Linux

Hello guys, any version of jami for Arch Linux ?
Is it possible to install Jami on Arch Linux system : Endeavour Os or Manjaro for instance

Thanks for replying


There is an official package in the repositories with a GNOME client, jami-gnome

hi, could the links on https://jami.net/contributions please point to the correct arch packages?

Is there a client planned that doesn’t require clutter? I’m not a Gnome user, I use wayland with sway on my Arch Linux machines. Thanks to the pureOS project Gnome is getting responsive design that should work on tiny displays. Isn’t clutter is being phased out? I don’t really know the details, but I think it would be good to have both an Android client as well as a Gnome client that would work on a GNU-Linux OS for ARM architectures.

(here’s a video of someone trying out pureOS on a pinephone)

Hi @sharethewisdom, I also use Sway. I think webkitgtk is a component that is blocking the GNOME client from being fully wayland-native (for now).

Looks like someone just updated https://jami.net/contributions/ :grinning:

The QT client should be good for Linux phones and I think it is already wayland-native. Someone already got it built on a phinephone: https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/ring-project/issues/809#note_25417

Note that it is not currently a good alternative because the developers are working out some packaging/build issues. That AUR package will not build correctly until this gets worked out (could be several weeks).

I have installed Jami on my Rasbperry Pi 4 running Arch Linux ARM with LXDE destkop using jami-gnome package (from terminal: pacman -S jami-gnome). Works fine here.

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