Hello Bandali and thank you for this detailed answer!
My concern is that I am on Debian Bullseye/sid (xfce) and my repositories seems not to contain all the dependencies required by Jami.
More precisely three of them are apparently ‘uninstallable’, libqrencode3 (>= 3.2.0), libva-drm1 (>= 1.1.0) and libva1 (>= 1.7.3)
Until now I was working on this machine with a Flatpak which origin is unclear, but this imposed a lot of flatpak packages (Gnome etc.) just for Jami and I went on to remove the ~1/2Gb this reprensented on my boot volume.
I am quite reluctant on snaps since I read Ubuntu intends to silently replace the classical apt packages with it, this resulting in Ubuntu, not users, deciding which software is installable (= entitled to enter their catalog)…
I agree my attitude may sound overreacting but to some extend this relates to my decision to go Debian rather than Ubuntu…
I’ll carefully track the announces here, believe me!