Conference call, interested in testing?

I’d like to test the conference call feature. Please reply with your Jami contact information if you’re willing to be contacted and participate in test calls. Thanks!

Contact me via rendezvous maker-test-83.

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Bonjour :slight_smile: Pourquoi pas :wink: mais nous sommes francophone … Notre identifiant : verojeanluc / 553dec1f75758ef6eaecdd1c027bf397f3062700

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Bonjour psychonaut,
êtes vous francophone ? L’invitation vient elle de vous ?

I’ld be interested in testing my new toy; any

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Oui, cette invitation est de moi.

What is your contact ID?

@psychonaut, maker-test-83 est un pseudo qui n’existe pas. il existe un “maker” à qui j’ai écrit il y a une douzaine d’heures et qui n’a pas daigné répondre. Si tu es quelqu’un de sérieux, ce serait bien de signaler ici que, soit tu as effectué ton test, soit tu abandonnes…

J’essaie toujours de contacter suffisamment de personnes pour tester les appels de vidéoconférence. Voici mon QR code, si cela peut vous aider.
Screenshot from 2022-01-08 12-35-29

@psychonaut ce QR code ne me sert à rien (j’utilise Jami sur Linux) et vous n’indiquez toujours pas votre pseudo.
Vous ne semblez pas être “maker” à qui j’ai posé la question il y a 24h.

Bonjour :slight_smile:
Bonjour @Herve5 nous avons eut hier soir un court entretien avec @psychonaut sur notre jami : verojeanluc / 553dec1f75758ef6eaecdd1c027bf397f3062700
et sur le “point de rendez-vous” premierspasjami / d1554b07a5b259f1c454d95904d245e70d37f4ba que nous avons ouvert à nouveau avec @Firenze et @verojean en modérateurs. Voir sujet : premiers pas ensemble sur ce forum

@psychonaut semble avoir quitté jami car nous avons eut de nombreux plantage lors de ce premier test du point de rendez vous même si les appels passaient bien avec notre compte ordinaire verojeanluc.

Bienvenue sur premierspasjami si le cœur vous en dit

Jamicalement :slight_smile: Belle journée

Would love to help new users to test. And I am a new user myself today, eager to test, so I test started swarm “JamiTest777”. Send me a message on “ScientificMartin” and suggest a date and time to test the swarm!

Hello @MrPerfect72 :slight_smile:
We accept you in our contact BUT no news from you ?

verojeanluc (id jami)

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Thanks VeroJean, I did see it, but I have been very busy, and I did manage to test it with some friends of Demokratifest [Democracy feast] already, one of them a programmer. We are both very impressed with Jami.

Hey all Jami programmers!
You have made something fantastic.

Indeed, very suitable in combination with GNU+Linux for planning of peaceful guerilla marketing, or similar, but not so much for recording or livestreaming … yet, since then it would be excellent if Jami could focus on quality, not encryption.

Last time, we used Better, but not perfect. I could not get all people side by side: Tomas Heldal & Fritjof Persson Juridisk Jiu Jitsu . Our guest came under us. Not very nice. Same in Jami. I want people side by side.

Jami is very fast. Sometimes the picture goes bananas, but not too much. I guess a missing encrypted package sometimes could be the reason? People with mobiles do not get a picture. Voices are however 100% flawless. Excellent. That is the most important.

My laptop computer needs extra cooling when it runs, according to Psensor. I put a “U”-stucture covered with rag-material on top of it, with an ice clamp over it, and then a small towel over that to lower the temperature.

Could be a good idea to develop monitoring of temperature and adjusting the quality depending on capacity of people’s gadgets and connections, maybe? For example, when I livestream on Odysee, I use OBS Studio 640x360 10fps and 64kbps sound. I managed to use Jitsi nicely and get four people side by side in a Firefox window: Q&A with Dr Astrid Stückelberger & Dr Glenn Dormer & Fritjof Persson LIVE Redacted

Jitsi has a function centering people in their picture. Very nice indeed, but Jitsi has been forcing people to log in to Google, Facebook or GitHub lately, so we are looking for better open and free programs now.

Jitsi also brings up a bloody control panel over the people. Very annoying for me who record and livestream. I must cover it in OBS Studio and tell people to remain high in the picture.

Why not use AI to make Jami the absolute best one out there, and then place it on the GNU+Linux repository, and totally crush everything else?