I open a new topic about my problem.
My goal is to deploy a JAMS server on my local network. During the installation, I haven’t see any error. I created myself a key and a certificate through openssl.
Once JAMS and Jami installed, I tried to login on Jami and I have an error “Error while creating your account. Check your credentials”
On the JAMS side this eror appears “] WARN net.jami.jams.server.update.UpdateCheckTask - Could not establish connection to JAMS Update Center with error: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target”
Probably an error with my certificate ?
Please, Can someone help me ?
Thank you for letting us know.
It seems you are facing an issue related to SSL certificates while trying to establish a connection to the JAMS Update Center. The error message sounds like a problem with the SSL handshake and the certificate path.
For the certificate validation, double-check that the certificate you generated using OpenSSL is correctly installed on both the JAMS server and Jami.
As for the certificate chain, ensure that the certificate chain is complete. It should include the server certificate, any intermediate certificates, and the root certificate.
Also check the SSL/TLS configuration on both the JAMS server and Jami to make sure they are compatible.
Ensure that the JAMS server is configured to use the correct truststore that contains the root CA certificate and any intermediate certificates.
If the JAMS Update Center uses a specific URL, make sure that it is reachable from your network and that there are no firewall or network-related issues.
Our developer thinks it’s a self-signed certificate (so not supported by Jami) since it will try to validate the CA. Ideally, you’d generate a non-self-signed certificate (let’s encrypt offers free ones).