Connection to JAMS server impossible

Hello all,

I open a new topic about my problem.
My goal is to deploy a JAMS server on my local network. During the installation, I haven’t see any error. I created myself a key and a certificate through openssl.
Once JAMS and Jami installed, I tried to login on Jami and I have an error “Error while creating your account. Check your credentials”
On the JAMS side this eror appears “] WARN net.jami.jams.server.update.UpdateCheckTask - Could not establish connection to JAMS Update Center with error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target”

Probably an error with my certificate ?
Please, Can someone help me ?

Thanks in advance

can you help me?
i have some likely problems

please setup jdk 11,test!

Hello @ziggy and @lsl42

Thank you for letting us know.
It seems you are facing an issue related to SSL certificates while trying to establish a connection to the JAMS Update Center. The error message sounds like a problem with the SSL handshake and the certificate path.

  • For the certificate validation, double-check that the certificate you generated using OpenSSL is correctly installed on both the JAMS server and Jami.
  • As for the certificate chain, ensure that the certificate chain is complete. It should include the server certificate, any intermediate certificates, and the root certificate.
  • Also check the SSL/TLS configuration on both the JAMS server and Jami to make sure they are compatible.
  • Ensure that the JAMS server is configured to use the correct truststore that contains the root CA certificate and any intermediate certificates.
  • If the JAMS Update Center uses a specific URL, make sure that it is reachable from your network and that there are no firewall or network-related issues.
  • Our developer thinks it’s a self-signed certificate (so not supported by Jami) since it will try to validate the CA. Ideally, you’d generate a non-self-signed certificate (let’s encrypt offers free ones).

Let me know if this helps. :slight_smile:

Jami Community Manager.

My Jams server can create users, but the client cannot log in and cannot connect to the server properly

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Hello @lsl42

I’ve answered you in your own post.


self-signed certificate?

What does the log says. Cause the client is simply doing a http request, so you can see it in the logs (and the related error)

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