i just wanna test jami, so I installed the win 10 client and an android client on my phone, each with different usernames. I added my Win 10 username on my phone and sent a message, but i did not receive any message or invitation on the win client.
Furthermore i’d like to know, how much the file transfere limit is? Would I be able to send large files, like 1GB+?
I created 2 new accounts, now I received a friend request and was able to chat.
Then i changed the setting Accept transfer limit to “0” and tried to transfer a 2GB testfile. I dragged and dropped the file into the chatbox, and clicked on send but nothing happend. Pictures went through. I restarted Jami on Win 10 and restarted with admin rights.
Do I have to change a setting on my android too?
How can I delete sent messages, like on Signal? Is there an option to set a timer when messages get automatically removed, like after 24 hours?
How can I add other friends to a group chat? Like for group calls, group video calls and group chat.
Is the encryption automatically activated, so nobody but the invited friends are able to read the messages or do I need to set that up before?
At the moment Jami doesn’t support ephemeral messages.
You should enable TURN (all devices).
It’s experimental at the moment. You can only have 8 participants.
General > Settings > Troubleshoot > (Experimental) Enable small groups support for Swarm
Turn was activated by default. (I found the option)
I still can’t sent the 2GB testfile from win10 client to android client.
I created a group chat and invited my android user. An invitation is shown on my android, but if i click on it, it just opens the private chat and does not join the group chat.
Is the encryption automatically activated, so nobody but the invited friends are able to read the messages or do I need to set that up before?
You should probably check you are using Swarm <-> Swarm NOT for example Multi-Swarm (Group-Chat) → Swarm (1:1 Chat)
where do I check it? I can’t find any option called Swarm in the Jami android settings.
Turn is enabled, but i stil can not transfer a 2GB file from jami win 10 to android jami.
Ok after creating several groups, and inviting several times i finally got an invitations on my android notifications, not the jami app, where i had to accepts the request. thats pretty irretating if you cant accept the request in the app directly
If you just want to transfer files disable group chat (this will make Jami more stable).
I also think you just changed the windows version of Jami “Accept transfer limit” to “0” but not the Android version. (You could try a file with 5 MB: Windows 10 → Android)
Android: Tap Account > Messages > Maximum file size to accept automatically
EDIT: Move the bar to the right so you get “Always accept automatically”
If you just want to transfer files disable group chat (this will make Jami more stable).
I wanna be able to share large files even in group chats, so it should stay activated.
I changed it on both sides now, but it’s still not sending. I just click on send, and nothing happens.
how can i start a group video call? there is no symbol on the windows app. there is one on the android version but if i tap on it, it throws me out of the group chat, back to the messages tab
Where do I find the group chat option on my android? I’ve gone through all of them, but there is no option.
Also, I managed to add my androif to the group chat now. I am just not able to send the 2GB file from win 10 to android.
I tried to send the 2GB from android to win 10, it went through on phone, and the file is shown in the chat of the android but does not appear on the chat window on win 10.
Are group video calls and normal group voice calls possible?