In the program options I see no “about” page or any version number shown. How can I find the program version?
I see no “check for updates” feature. Are Jami updates to be performed via the update manager? I do not see a Jami repository in the LMDE update manager. I need to add it?
I see, thanks. I did not notice the “hide chat” arrow button. It would be better if there were also an “about Jami” link in the program options, since it is not obvious where the link is. It’s basically hidden.
You don’t need to install any repositories if Jami is already included in the LMDE repositories. When there is an update, you will be notified, and you can update using the Mint LMDE update tool or through the terminal with “sudo apt update” and “sudo apt upgrade”.
You don’t need to add the Jami repository. Jami is already in the LMDE 6 repositories. Only if you want to use the beta version or the latest version, you will need to manually install the repository.
I want to use the latest version. Since I installed from .deb, the version I’ve installed is 202403071601.
Now I must add the repository manually.
I’ve just run the install command listed on the download page, when the “>_” button is clicked.
It says “option 1: install Jami from official repository.” I ran that command but did not proceed with the install, since I’ve already got Jami installed, but the repository was successfully added to the update manager. So mission accomplished. Jami updated to version 202404091841 via the LMDE update manager.
How to otherwise add the repository, I have no idea.
A search of the wiki for the terms “repository” or “update” yields no actionable results.
Why offer the .deb package at all if it leads to more confusion…?
Or why not tell people how to add the repository if they download the .deb package?
Thanks Charlie_s for your help. And thanks to the Jami devs for their work. The program is working well for communication and file exchange between myself and a colleague.