To conclude my questions about how to use this new screen, a few more:
How is the list of contacts generated? I suppose it starts from the list of contacts on the device, and it keeps only those where a socket can be opened. How new entries can appear? Only when a conversation occurs?
From DHT Point Vert, I understand that the green dot in the contacts list is not reliable and is not an on-line status indicator. Shouldn’t we use the Troubleshoot contact list as a better on-line indicator?
A personal case. Presently, I have a PC and an Android phone running Jami on the LAN, but the phone does not appear. I had to switch to Jami on the phone to see it appear in the PC list, with other contacts. After a few seconds, my phone account disappeared from the list. Does it mean that the phone is no more visible from the PC? Perhaps answering question #1 about how contacts are added to the list will help me understand what I observe.
To help troubleshooting, shouldn’t you keep all contacts in the list with their status? Even if they are not connected, it will be clear to know what their status is. Coming back to example #4, my phone has an IP on the LAN, but presently I’m unable to known why it does not appear in the list and is not connected to the PC…
Thanks for all your explanations; they are really helpful.