Jami Maloya released

Hello, :slightly_smiling_face:

In case you didn’t see the news on https://jami.net already, the Jami team is pleased to announce the release of a new version of Jami, Maloya!

You can read the full announcement on the Jami blog: https://jami.net/maloya-a-new-version-of-jami

The highlights of the Maloya release of Jami include:

  • New Qt-based cross-platform (GNU/Linux and Windows, and soon macOS too) jami-qt client application
  • New (cross-platform) Jami plugins
  • Battery consumption improvements on iOS
  • Many SIP-related bug fixes and improvements
  • Various JAMS (Jami Account Management Server) improvements and commercial support offering

Pre-built binaries/packages of Jami Maloya for various GNU/Linux distributions and other platforms can be downloaded from our official repositories. Please visit https://jami.net/download for instructions. If you have already installed Jami following the instructions on the website, you can simply upgrade to Maloya much like other releases.

If you previously installed Jami from your GNU/Linux distribution of choice’s repositories and it has not been updated for a while, we highly recommend installing Jami from our official repositories (on dl.jami.net) instead, for regular updates including bug fixes and improvements, in addition to new major releases.

As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback, and look forward to hearing from you!