Jami STUN server Two IP addresses


  1. Does the Jami client make use of a STUN server ? Maybe just the mobile phone apps? I believe because Jami uses opendht bootstrap, Jami does not need to use a STUN server, but maybe it still does? If it does not, then would it be safe to specify “no-stun” for the TURN server’s configuration? ( –no-stun Run as TURN server only, all STUN requests will be ignored.)

  2. If Jami does use STUN server then is it good to set " –secure-stun Require authentication of the STUN Binding request" ? As I would expect the TURN server settings in the Jami client is what Jami uses for a STUN server and user, password, and realm are specified, so I would expect any STUN requests would also use user and password. (Is realm relevant for STUN?)
    I tested with Trickle ICE and the STUN test did not succeed when secure-stun was set, even if I specified user and password.

  3. when I did a nslookup on turn.jami.net, I noticed two IP addresses. If I use two IP addresses on my TURN server, it removes the log message “WARNING: I cannot support STUN CHANGE_REQUEST functionality because only one IP address is provided” but is there any advantage for Jami if the STUN/TURN server uses two IP addresses? Does using two IP addresses improve the functionality of STUN for Jami?

Jami doesn’t use stun for jami accounts because the DHT got this role. It may be used for sip accounts

Thank you for that information.

At present I am not using SIP, which then means I do not need to implement about STUN as yet.