Meaning of green dot

I am using Jami on Debian 11, Jami is last version from Jami’s apt repository. I have 3 contacts, two of them using iPhone, one iPad, all with latest iOS and Jami versions . At the moment, I see a green dot only for one of my contacts (the one with iPad). Sometimes, I see the green dot for two of them.

What is the meaning of this green dot?

At the moment, messages to any of my contacts aren’t received and I also don’t get their replies. Yesterday, calls to my contact now without green dot worked, but I can’t remember whether there was the green dot at that time or not. In any case, no message went through, even when calls worked.

It shows that your contact(s) is/are online.

Ok but what does being online exactly mean?

In my experience, contacts with the green dot may anyway not receive messages or calls. I can’t remember if I once managed to make a successful call to a contact appearing offline.

Not exactly. It shows if a device is announced on the DHT. You don’t really know if the contact is online (same on many app, e.g. whatsapp, the green dot only mean that a socket was detected recently, but your contact can be disconnected.)

A lot of people uses mobile where the application is killed by the operating system as soon as the app not shown (or some minutes after). However, applications can be restarted on events. Also the connection can be cut shortly, etc. So “online” is pretty vague.

On jami, each device will announce its presence on the DHT (and the presence got a TTL of 10 min). If proxy and push are enabled, the proxy will announce this presence for a long time and will send events to wake up the mobile device.

So basically a green dot is that the device was announced recently.

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Thanks for the clarification.

On iOS, is there anything to do to enable proxy and push? In the Jami app, I could not find any corresponding settings. I often have the problem that iOS devices are unreachable by Jami.

On Android, it seems better but I recently re-enabled Jami on one device connected to wifi, after charging to 100% and leaving it for 13h, the battery was 30%. Without Jami, in the same amount of time, the battery goes down by a few percents only. On another older Android device with smaller battery, with conversations connected to XMPP server and MAXXS connected to my own XMPP server on Freedombox, and rather low usage, the battery lasts easily 3 to 4 days without charging.

So I am wondering if there could be a possibility to have Jami somehow “sleep” a bit more on Android and use the assistance of an XMPP server to wake up. Even though this would be one more exception to the peer-to-peer design, if that is only for wake-up, that seems unlikely to be harming privacy at all.

Perhaps that could also help waking-up iOS devices (in my experience, they wake-up ok with Siskin IM or Monal, with the same XMPP servers).

You can now view the explanation here:

New working link:

Blog: Jami - Improved reliability: presence and message status