It is a little bit weird for me, so if someone could help me out it would be great
Moreover, I noticed that in the download section, Fedora 33 is not mentionned. Finally it would be cool to have Jami packaged in the official repos of Fedora, or at least in the rpm fusion free repo. Because I tried to use the package from flathub, but experienced a lot of bugs and crashes.
P.S.: You can also help me out in french if you prefer, as I speak both
For the first problem start via the cli and check the output to have logs. Also does /usr/local/lib/ring/dring exists? or similar. Where did you install daemon + client?
the other software are not related to jami but seems from dbus-c+±devel (because you built it from sources, you need to install dbus-c+±devel) cf
dnf provides /usr/bin/elementary_test
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:48 ago on Tue 23 Feb 2021 03:53:12 PM.
efl-1.25.0-1.fc33.i686 : Collection of Enlightenment libraries
Repo : fedora
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/bin/elementary_test
amarok@tars3 ~/Projects/opendht/build master dnf remove efl
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
efl x86_64 1.25.1-4.fc33 @updates 46 M
Removing dependent packages:
dbus-c++-devel x86_64 0.9.0-23.fc33 @fedora 90 k
We don’t provide any flathub repo from but we provide our own fedora 33 repo.
I pingued back the team for but just (same as fedora_32/31/30, but just replace by 33)
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf install jami cannot open shared object file:
This means it’s not installed. I’m sure that you just didn’t do a global install (the build page is long, what exact commands did you type?). By default building doesn’t mean global installing. Check where you install files. But I highly not recommend building if you don’t check your build and just want to use it, there is repo for that. Else it’s the easy way to just have a dirty env. If you do a ./ --run, at least does it runs? by default all files are in jami-project/install. So will be in YOURPATH/jami-project/install/lrc/lib/
I ran that git clone cd ring-project/ ./ --init ./ --dependencies ./ --install --global-install
still don,t know where the files are installed. Check the logs. Also you may have another version installed (from a previous repo) and not cleaned correctly.
I had still jami installed from flathub, maybe it’s the issue ^^ No I uninstalled the flathub version, and when I type locate nothing happens.
Which logs do you mean?
In any case, thank you very much for taking the time to help me
So now jami starts well, it is located in /bin/bash/usr/local/bin/jami
I get this message when starting jami from the command-line
QDBusMarshaller: type VectorString' attempts to redefine basic D-BUS type 'as' (QStringList) (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?) QDBusMarshaller: type MapStringVectorString’ produces invalid D-BUS signature a{s}' (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?) QDBusMarshaller: type QMap<QString,MapStringVectorString>’ produces invalid D-BUS signature `a{s}’ (Did you forget to call beginStructure() ?)