Translations (for example Finnish) just thrown through AI - a mess ensued. This should stop!

It looks like someone (not a Finn nor Finnish speaker) just whiffed all translations automatically in via trusting current AI’s skill and thought the result would be sufficient. No. The result is horrendous and no translation at all at this point would actually be for the better!

This particular translation ( - (need to be logged in to see that) is being fixed as i type by a known translator Kimmo Kujansuu from a Finnish (all-round Linux-helping community for beginners) LINUX-SAUNA where we spotted this fraudulent translation.

The words used in it include many of those classified as not acceptable or downright offensive.

There’s also a problem for these automatic and outrageously poor AI translations; people wanting to help just look on their languages status seeing “a-ha all a OK - 100% or so done” - without realizing the situation is quite the opposite due the AI used automatic garbage.

That is all - and i think this issue should be pointed out more widely and actions should be taken to remove these harmful automatic AI-“translations” …