Unable to reinstall Jami after a drive crash

I installed Jami on my one computer (I have two in the house). We call that Computer#1 for clarity.

It worked fine. I was chatting to a friend in the USA (I live in Belgium). I installed Jami on the second computer and linked it. No problem at all.

I Backed up Jami on Computer #2 and then shut it down.
I had lunch and came to back up Jami on the computer #1
I switched it on, and the damned drive decided that was a good day to die!
I had a couple of spare drives and I put in a new one and restored the previous day’s backup.
I tried to link Computer #1 to #2. No way, Jose.
I tried restoring the backup I made on #2 to #1 and no way.
So, DKSharman is a pen name, so I decided to delete it and use my real name.
I completely uninstalled Jami from both computers with RegOrganizer
Now it doesn’t matter what I try to use as a name after the first letter, it tells me it’s invalid.
WTF do I do now?
I even tried it on my Laptop Computer #3 and it still won’t allow me to create a username and I mean ANY user name.

Is this somehow linked to my IP address? It isn’t in the registry or on the hard drive.

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Are you using Windows? On Linux, Jami configuration is all stored in a hidden folder and according to the documentation, it should be the same for the other platforms.

Now it doesn’t matter what I try to use as a name after the first letter, it tells me it’s invalid.

I don’t understand what you are trying to do. Can you give us a bit more details?

Are you trying to recover account? Can you find an archive.gz (search in %AppData%/Local/jami/) in backup? You can import it in Jami.

If you are trying to change your display name, you can edit profile in Settings → Account

Hello @DavidS

I understand that you can’t register any name now. I’m unsure what the problem is in this case.
Are you on Linux, macOS, or Windows?
Would you have access by any chance to logs or other source of information you could give us?

Jami’s community manager.