Why do I see duplicate contacts?

This behaviour happens both on PC or on mobile phone: I see duplicate contacts and duplicated/different conversations. Here is an example from PC:

What is the cause?

Duplicates disappear after a few hours or days.

Pierre Métras

Did you try to remove and/or block a contact?

I had similiar issues (Windows 10 / Android) but I thought they’ve been fixed?

I never tried to remove or block a contact. This is happening on Linux and Android. I don’t know if my contacts who use Windows see a similar problem.

Here is what I see today. I suppose the duplicate GUIDs are because of an invite I had to accept to get the call, even if the recipient was already part of my contacts list.
And the Family Room contact has disappeared from the contacts list today…

I have also noted this behaviour. In my experience, it is better to live with the duplicated entry, simply ignoring it. In the fullness of time, either it will magically disappear, or you can delete the “old” entry. But I do give it time to resolve itself.

Maybe you can get the logs and report this issue using Gitlab:


I’ll try it when it occurs again.

I have multiple devices (linux + Android) and though they were all configured from a shared initial profile, they behave differently from time to time. Replicating the messages and the contacts can take a long time. I just noticed on the current computer that a discussion with one of my contacts was not migrated to swarm. I’ll have to check if it’s the case on the other devices.

Thinking about the cause of these multiple contacts appearing from time to time… Could it be because all my devices, apart from the first one where I setup my profile and saved it to file, were configured by importing my account configuration file?

Or is it because the linked devices have different configurations and they could have problems synchronizing?

A variant of this bug seen yesterday:


My own account appears 3 times, but displayed with my GUID only…